2. Computer-Aided Design (CAD)#
Goal of this unit#
In this unit, you will learn to
- Learn about compliant mechanism and flexures
- Evaluate and select 3D software
- Demonstrate and describe processes used in modeling with 3D software
- Learn about code licenses and how to use them.
- build on other people’s code and give proper credits.
Before class#
Install 2D and 3D design CAD tools :
Watch :
Class materials#
- Compliant Mechanisms & flexures
Licensing you work
- Creative Commons License
- Other licenses :
- Writing code guidelines
- Licensed code example (code header, LICENSE.md) from the protecive face shield project @ FabLab ULB during the 2020 covid crisis.
- Design, model, and document a parametric FlexLinks construction kit that you will fabricate next week using 3D printers.
- Make it parametric, so you will be able to make adjustments accounting for the material properties and the machine characteristics.
- Read about Creative Commons open-source Licence and add a CC license to your work.
- Complete your FlexLinks kit that you made by fetching the code of at least 1 part made by another classmate during this week. Acknowledge its work. Modify its code and get the parts ready to print.