Protective Face Shields Cleaning Protocol#

Download here a disinfection protocol made with the CHU Saint-Pierre of Brussels

Protective Face Shields are an added protection in addition to your validated mask, and that helps protect these masks. They consist of a rigid support and a visor: a flexible sheet of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride).

This facial protection should be cleaned as soon as it is removed.


  • Protective Face Shields do not tolerate a temperature above 50 degrees Celsius
  • Protective Face Shields are not resistant to acetone
  • Protective Face Shields are not resistant to chloroform

  1. Remove the visor from its support
  2. Lay the visor flat
  3. Clean both sides, the support, and the insertion holes on the support : ✓Surface disinfectant spray (ex: Anios Surfa’safe ™, Incidin ™, Clinell ™, …)
  4. Do not rinse to ensure sufficient contact between the virucide (disinfectant) and the visor.
  5. Replace the visor on the support.

Protocol to be validated by the competent authorities of each institution. The Fablab ULB does not take any responsibility in case of problems.

Chemical compatibility of plastics and other resources#

  • The table below indicates the compatibility of different materials used for the protective face shields with typical solvents (R: good resistance, L: resistance but limited, D: degradation).
PVC PLA ABS (1, 2, 3) Plexi / PMMA Priplak/ Polypropylène (PP)
Ethanol R L R D R
Isopropanol/2-propanol/Isopropyl alcohol R R L D R
1-propanol R R L R
Acetone D D D D R